I have been saving my jeans for nearly 6 years now. Back when I started saving them I wasn't sure what I would do with them, considering that at that time the only sewing I had done was patch up a pair of pants in college. My uncle always made these super heavy denim quilts. They were always so heavy and warm. And incredibly durable. I thought that might be fun...
Well, I live in Arkansas, people, where it is currently topping out at about 100 degrees everyday. The last thing I need is warm. However, with the Fourth of July and fireworks just around the corner, I am quite certain that we will need a nice, big blanket to sit on.
There are pieces from many of my most favorite fabrics. Apples from this beloved backpack. A sweet yellow vintage from a favorite flea market outside of Cortez, CO. And a vintage red flower from my mother's stash. I backed the quilt with a lovely white daisy sheet found for $3 at my local Saver's.
And what's more? I knew I wanted to use flannel for the batting because I didn't want this to be a bulky blanket. So I searched high and low for used flannel sheets at the thrift stores. Couldn't find anything. So I priced out how much it would cost to just buy flannel at Joann's. Nearly $25 (not on sale). Ouch. So one fateful Saturday we are driving in a part of town we've not been before, I see a church rummage sale, I spot a queen size, white flannel sheet, I offer $1, I take that baby home. Whoo hoo! So the whole quilt cost me approximately $7 (with some pieces that I picked up in the Joann's remnant bin). Not bad. Not bad at all.
I am loving the way I quilted it with the double lines just outside the seams. Someday, I'd love to try my hand at a pretty stippled design. Someday.
Happy 17th Birthday, Savannah!
13 hours ago
Can I just say WOW!!....I am impressed. What a great job Katie! I will be bringing projects with me for help....
Amazing! I keep putting off making my denim quilt. But when I see how beautiful they turn out it makes me want to get the ball rolling. Great job! and Great blog! Glad I found it!
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