Saturday, January 1, 2011

YOUR Favorite 2010 H&D Projects

Well, I just thought I'd jump right on to that bandwagon and share you Hippos and Dinosaurs' top five post of the year. This has been a fun year and I have so much more planned for 2011. I still have tons of Christmas gifts to share with you! Anyway, without further ado, here's H&D's top five:

5. Fun Family Napkins We love these and use them all the time...they're definitely not so crisp and white anymore:)

4. Upcycled Napkin Rings Still a great way to store those napkins up there

3. Hidden Pictures Activity Book My daughter was just playing with this the other afternoon. I love that it was free!

2. Carseat Tent This project is continually getting hits. I still love it and look forward to making one for this next baby...though it'll have to be super lightweight since it'll be about 90 degrees outside...

1. The Number One post of 2010 was definitely The Play Kitchen. By far my favorite project of the year as well. 
Happy New Year my Bloggy Friends!! Looking forward to whatever 2011 will bring!!


  1. The play kitchen is one of my favorites that you created too. LOVE IT! And the carseat tent was also one of my favorites. I used it all the time and it kept my itty bitty baby warm and out of view from nosey strangers.

  2. Happy New Year, friend! Love those projects (and the cape, by the way... Burke NEEDS one for sure!).
