Friday, December 31, 2010

A Little BOY Dress-up

Currently, Kai's favorite thing to dress up with is Emmie's Snow White dress. While I find it endearing, I do think it would be nice for him to have some more BOY-ish options.

Enter: the cape.
 A friend asked to me to make a cape for her son and I found an excellent tutorial on making two capes out of one yard of fabric. Since I lined these capes, I actually took two yards, but still such a fabulous way to expedite the gift-making.

The only thing I really followed from the tutorial was the cutting of the cape. As for the neck strap, I basically made 1.5" bias tape, sewed it on, and attached the velcro.

(Why the "M"?? Because his name is Malakai...we just call him Kai for short;) 


  1. Super cute Kai Man! So what are you doing in your kitchen? I noticed the missing tile...

  2. Ah, you saw that did you??? :) Yeah, we ripped out a cabinet to make a bar. I can't wait until its finished so I can reveal my before and afters:)
