Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quiet Book: O & P

Did you think I had forgotten about the quiet book?? Nope. I continue to work on it, one stitch at a time. Only a few pages left, really.

I honestly don't remember where (if anywhere) I got the inspiration for these pages, but they are already being loved on. My 5 year old loves practicing tying bows while my 11 month old loves gnawing on them. Win-win for both ages. I love that. Now, if I can just find my list of which pages to make for each letter then I could get started on the next page...

Want to see more quiet book pages?? Click HERE
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1 comment:

  1. This quiet book is so far the best I've seen! There are super cute pages out there, but as a whole collection, this is amazing! Absolutely adorable! Well done!! :))
