Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Card Garland

Well, I am finding that I am running into the same dilemma as Jill where so much of what I am making is FOR somebody and therefore I can't post it, for fear it will be spoiled. But here is something I just put up to house all those lovely cards and letters we've been receiving and that have just been stacking up on our kitchen counter.
I needed a solution that would be quick and easy to put up using supplies I already had. 
 So using a few thumb tacks, mini clothespins and some thin jute I got busy and it was up in about 5 minutes. Then I tied on a few of the Gingerbread ornaments we made to give a Christmas-y kick. We used this recipe for the cookies and got excellent results. And can I just say, my tree smells delicious with all those cookies on it.

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Caleb spied me checking out the recipe link and immediately started begging to make some. I thought that was too cute!
