Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Shoot

Though I am no professional, I have loved taking family photos for some friends. Here's another recent shoot that I did for this family's Christmas card.

These were taken at a local photo op spot, The Old Mill, featured in Gone With the Wind, actually. It's a beautiful spot and its no wonder everyone wants their photos taken there. 


  1. Love them! And that is the coolest location ever!

  2. Thanks Danelle!! And yes, that spot is super fun. Unfortunately, the shoot kept getting pushed a little later so we were chasing daylight, but I am super glad they turned out.

  3. I wish I had known you were going. I wanted to do Christmas cards but never got a picture made. Are you up for doing a family pic for us at our house sometime?

  4. Anita! I'd love to. Chat with me at church and we'll set something up:)
