Friday, February 12, 2010

Sweet Little Dresses

Goose's room is a constant (and fun!!) work in progress. I love looking for new girly things to throw at her walls and her bed. So here's the latest.

This is an embroidery I worked on for Goose while we were traveling. I got the original design from A Print a Day (you can search her site for "embroidery dresses" and it'll pop up. She has six sweet little dresses, so I chose three, copied them smaller (by hand) and embroidered them onto a clothes line. I'm loving how it turned out. (sorry for the lame-o pics...this snowy, cloud-filled sky is just murdering the natural light in house...).

The embroidery is joined with the shelf my mom made me when I was youngin', along with that precious little crocheted dress that my great grandma made me when I was brand spankin' new.

And that dresser?? I've had it since I was like 4 and it used to look like this:

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie! So glad you mentioned this blog of yours! LOVE it! Love all the felt toys you've made and all the refinished furniture. Will be checking back frequently to see what new thing you've done;)
