Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Before and After

We picked up this *mostly* hardwood table on Craigslist for only $75. But it definitely needed some love. The finish on it was terrible. Any speck of water would leave a permanent white stain. Should you dare scratch the table it would leave residue under your fingernails. Seriously. Bad. So we got to work. With a whole lot of crazy sanding, staining, and painting, we had a **new** beautiful table in no time...okay, in 2 days.

I do love the way the knots in the table top came out so well when we used such a light stain. Though, during the sanding step, we were surprised to find that the table top is only an oak sheet, not one solid piece of wood, so we sanded a litle too thin in places. But I really don't mind, as it adds to the charm of the table a bit. My amazing mother did most of the work, while the idea and design was mine. 

Now we're on the prowl for some fabulous chairs and a bench.


  1. Oh i just love the results!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  2. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Maybe we can go garage selling and look for some fab chairs. As soon as this snow melts the garage sell season begins :)
