Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pins and Needles

SO many cute pincushions!! I was so overwhelmed by all of the different pin cushion ideas out there. But I NEEDED to make one. Mine was a small basket stuffed with batting and haphazardly covered with fabric. It was laughable really, but it was all I had in a pinch about 5 years ago when I really started sewing. So it was time. And I found the most perfect little pattern. And really rather simple too! A free pattern by the great Anna Maria Horner. Have you seen this pattern yet? So cute. And it only made sense to use some of her beautiful fabric.


  1. cute! and it looks so great with all the colored pins in there. Almost too pretty to use:) I think i would feel like displaying it or something :)Your project turned out just great!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  2. I need to make on of these im always losing all my pins. guess something else to add to my craft projects

  3. My girls always play with my pin cushion for some reason. Yours is so cute and inviting, I'm afraid I'd never get it back if it were in my house :) Arlene

  4. Very cute! If mine hadn't taken a year to complete I would make another on for a friend.
