Friday, February 26, 2010

Car Basket

So we were on the brink of a 17 hour drive with two kids, 1 and 3 years old. I know. Insane. However, it doesn't take a long car ride to make my car messy and disorganized. All it take is a trip to the grocery store for Goose to drop her book and Monkey to lose his juice and throw goldfish everywhere. And a messy, disorganized car makes for a crazy mama. So 17 hours of that? Can you even imagine? Let's not go there. But I had to think of something to keep us somewhat organized. And this is what I came up with.

A Car Basket. And can I just say that it is lovely?? Even now, weeks after our return home, I am loving this.
So it was made with heavy duty remnant fabric from Joann's and lined with a curtain that was left in my house when we moved in. and I decided to use binding to made the job REALLY easy. And it was. I also used Peltex 71f single-sided fusible heavy stabilizer, which is why it keeps its shape so well. It also made for some interesting maneuvering while sewing it all together, but it was totally do-able.  There is a book pocket on Goose's side and two juice cup or animal pockets in the front, one for each kiddo. And my favorite? I used faux suede on the bottom panel to keep it place. You know, with the inevitable slamming of the brakes. It does not move.

Here it is in action, minutes before we headed out onto the road during one of Arkansas' craziest snow storms. We were all still very happy in this picture...since we hadn't even left the garage yet.
If there is interest, I would be glad to do a tutorial on this. The whole project (once everything was cut) took me 2 hours. Not bad at all.

I may do a tutorial regardless. We'll see.

**Update** You can find the tutorial here


  1. My big boys that sit in the back produce as much clutter as my little one. I would love a tutorial!

  2. PLEASE!!! Help!!?? I've bought so many baskets at so many stores and I can't find just the right size and my daughter is driving me crazy!! Thank you, a tutorial would be great!

  3. I found your blog via One Pretty Thing, Would love a tute on this as I drive a Van and have the perfect spot for it! Im off to check out the rest of your blog. Cheers Leah

  4. just came over from one pretty thing. cute cute quiet book pages! and this looks like a great catch-all for the car--i would love a tutorial. i can't wait to see what else you've got on your blog!
