Friday, March 25, 2011

Vintage Nightgowns

Baby, it's HOT outside! And since we're mega cheap-o...I mean, frugal...we refuse to turn on our AC for a little while longer. It's only MARCH for Pete's sake. Therefore, we are all rather warm at night. The fans are turning and trying to keep the room cool, but the little ones need some summer jammies.

You just gotta love the little man's bedhead:)
Enter: vintage pillowcases. Yum:) One found at a thrift store (the yellow flowers) and the other was actually MINE when I was just a little girl. It was always my favorite because it had ruffles. I distinctly remember asking my mom for those sheets every time my bed got changed. And as I got older and I wasn't supposed to think ruffles were cool anymore, I STILL asked for them and made up excuses like, "they're nice and cool so I don't get hot," or, "the other ones give me life-threatening rashes," because I have always loved ruffles. Always, always. Which is why I think that I should have another girl. Too much fun. But I digress.

Pillowcase jammies. Just lovely.

I used two different tutorials for inspiration.

First, this one. This night gown is ridiculously easy. Perfect for any beginner, that's for sure. In fact, you probably don't even need the tutorial. I switched up the back a little to be sure the sleeves won't be falling down. 

For the second I used this tutorial, sort of. Just looking at her sweet little nightgowns made my heart go pitter patter. I basically just looked at her pattern and took a dress out of Emmie's closet to trace a pattern and went for it. I made the flutter sleeves into actual cap sleeves. LOVE them.

"NOW can I jump, mama??"

Next on the list is something for little Kai....Anyone know of some fabulous summer jammies patterns for the little men in our lives??
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  1. pretty girl! great nightgown. thanks so much for the link! I love pretty nightgowns too :)

  2. So cute. I love them. You are very talented!!

  3. Those are the cutest PJs! I want to go find some vintage pillowcases and make some for my three little girls. Thanks!
