Monday, January 10, 2011

A Big Batch of Jammies

A dear friend of mine (note: a very dear friend, as I would not be able to do this all the time for just anyone...;) ) asked me to make matching jammies for her four kiddos for Christmas. Sure!! I said. And the two oldest girls needed matching jammies for their new American Girl dolls. No problem! I said.

Thankfully, a bloggy friend, Melissa, over at Sew Like My Mom, had just started drawing up 18" doll dress patterns. She has freebie on her blog, The Katie Dress, and then she has another on her Etsy Shop. So, those were a lifesaver in making the bodice of the doll jammies and an extra dress as well.

My favorite (and the easiest) piece of all of them were these sweet little pants, for her 2 year old. Put a bum panel on any little pair of pants and I turn into a big puddle of mush.

And then there was the baby's dress...I had no pattern for this and had to just kind of wing it by pseudo-copying a 12-month-old dress of my daughters. The ruffle on the bottom of the jammies used the scraps of all the other jammies.

Here they are, being mostly loved. The little guy wasn't interested in pictures...:) How many 2-year-old's are?

In case you've been living under a rock and are unfamiliar with the fabric, it is Anna Maria Horner's Folksy Flannels. So. Very. Soft. The pants and the baby jammies were each made with a 1/2 yard and the older girls jammies were made with 2 yards each. Or maybe a very tight 1.5 yards?? I can't remember now. Anyway, I have a TINY bit left over and I can't seem to think about how best to use it.


  1. These are the most adorable jammies ever!

  2. You did an amazing job. Her kids are so CUTE!! and grown up!! I remember when their oldest was just a tiny little bug with the cutest dang pig tails... wow how time has flown. (btw, i knew who these children were immediately because the oldest is a spitting image of her mother)

  3. Wow, you've been one busy lady! I'm sad to say I haven't spied on you lately, so I just caught up and WOW I'm so impressed with everything you've made! The jammies are too precious (as well as the happy recipients) and the doll dresses came out amazing! I hope you're finding the time to take it easy! :)


  4. I am the very happy and lucky friend whose children now live
    (24-7 if they had their way) in these amazing pjs. And yes, Katie is every ounce as talented as you might think. She is the crowning jewel in my treasure chest of friends!!! Thank you for ever and ever! One day perhaps I can return the honor, and give something to your sweeties that they can treasure just as much!
