Monday, November 1, 2010

The Mom Cave

This is my space where I breathe. I create things here. And plan things. And sometimes I get nothing done at all. Just catch a few quiet moments. Often times, it’s the place where I sit and simply watch my kids play, as we share a giant room, half mine, half theirs, just the way I wanted it, so we could play and create together throughout our days.

I have a good space, but I am overflowing. Sadly, there is no room for growth. I am always making an effort to use what I have, but alas, some fabrics I just cannot turn down, and so this happens.

This is my happy place. This is a mish mash of lovely things I have found along my way of creating this space. Treasures from our stay in Germany, treasures found in the basement of an estate sale, and treasures from flea markets and Etsy and even from the small hands of my little girl. All Equally loved.

I dream of a dainty little hutch filling this space. Displaying little lovelies, baskets of scrap fabric and finally having a logical place to store my scrapbooking supplies that are currently buried in a closet…


  1. I have a craft room now that all three boys are sharing a large bedroom. It has been so interesting to learn that I need storage when I believed I just needed space. Space to leave something ALMOST finished out and not have little boys jumping in it.;).

    I love your space, actually, it looks used.

    I hope you find your perfect hutch. I will love the updates about it!


  2. Cheslie, I have found that too! It doesn't matter how much square footage you have, really. Its more a matter of having specific places for things. I love my storage cubes (from IKEA) and they hold so much and believe it or not, they are uber organized:) But alas, I need just a teensy bit more storage space. I'm glad you have your own space now. I love having a place where I can put my unfinished projects and leave them for another day.

    ANd yes, my space is well used:) never quite clean enough for the perfect picture...

  3. Now that I have the space I need the organiztional pieces to help contain all the wonderful things that are too good to say no to.
    I enjoyed seeing your creative space.

  4. I love your happy space! Visiting from Susan's mom-cave contest.

    Jane from

  5. Great space! Where did you get those prints above the sewing machine? I LOVE them! They would be perfect for the space I'm trying to create.

  6. Hi Marissa, I got those prints from a very favorite Etsy shop called Studio Mela, You can find her here:

    I will warn you: You will want everything in her shop, so make sure you're in a position to buy;)

  7. I love that you share the space with your family - that's nice. I had to chuckle at your comment that sometimes you get nothing done at all.


  8. I agree that a dainty little hutch would look nice in that corner. Good luck with your mom cave.


  9. Lovely space and great that everything is where you can see it and find that. I've had bigger spaces before...took over the boys rooms as they left the house, one by one. Now we've downsized and it's just the two of us so our space is maxed. But I get more done because I purged what I wasn't using and kept what I value and tresure the most. Best of luck in the giveaway, fondly, Roberta

  10. so in love with the signs about your desk!

  11. Ikea huh? Hmmmmm.... it would be SO fun to have one nearby. I have made a few trips and totally loved it. I am thinking another one is in order. I could really use some storage:)
