Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where I Blog

So I really love getting a peek into people's homes, just to see how they do stuff from day to day. So, here's a small peek into my home. We don't have an office and I don't like having a computer in my room (I have a hard time telling it no and I fear I would never sleep:) ) So we are currently keeping the computer in the kitchen and I think I love it. It is completely central in our home and I can hop on and send an email real quick randomly when needed...or wanted, without it really disrupting our day. It's also great because I can watch anything I want from Hulu or Netflix while I cook or do the dishes...although, right now it is definitely Project Runway.

If you're interested in seeing some other blogging spaces head on over to Centsational Girl.

1 comment:

  1. ok I know how you feel about peeking into someones home. any time we drive by a house that looks all cozy i always tell my hubby that I wish they would just let me take a peek inside... then he laughs at me :) oh well, I can dream!

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
