Monday, September 20, 2010

Hand Painted Name Sign

After testing out my skills in hand-painting signs with the 'Be' Sign I made a few weeks back, I decided to take on another hand-painted challenge. My very very best friend just got married this weekend and I wanted to make them something that shows how much I love the two of them together. Sure, vinyl letters would have been so much easier, the letters would have been straighter and it would have looked more professional. BUT, a.) I don't HAVE a vinyl cutter and b.) it would be lacking some of the charm that it now has. So, with a handwritten note on the back in Sharpie pen and picture hanger hardware hammered to the back, this baby was wrapped and delivered with a whole lotta love.

 If you're curious as to any of the details of how I put this thing together, link on back to my 'Be' Sign for some instructions and for the link to my original source of inspiration.

And because I love me a beautifully wrapped gift, I thought I would show you what it looked like all bundled up.
Her colors were tangerine and watermelon with lots and lots of gerber daisies, so I went with it:)

Sharing the love at:


  1. I love it Katie!! You did a great job and I bet the couple loved it too. Thanks for posting. :)

  2. Hi - what type wood is this one? And, what size? The red is so pretty - tips on paint colors to make one like this? Red's my favorite! Thank you!!!

  3. Hi there! The wood is a 3/4" thick plywood. I' liked the rustic feel of it. As for colors, I have made others in a slate blue and white letter and another in red with black letters. And olive green would be really pretty too! But i'm like you, Red is MY fave too!

  4. Very cool, I meant what size like 3'x4' or what not, but later thought I should've asked about the type of wood as far as thickness, so you already answered that afterthought! Do you mind sharing the sign dimensions? I'm terrible at figuring out where to start with for something like this. I can't wait to explore your blog more - so glad I found it through Pinterest! THANK YOU!

  5. whoops, I meant to answer that part distracted. It was about 12"x8", roughly.

  6. Thanks again! I have an overwhelming desire to go to Lowe's now.

  7. I mentioned this to my husband and he said 3/4" plywood would make it fairly heavy, plus cost more...I don't know. I haven't been to the store yet, but am leaning toward thinking that a little thicker is better. Was it terribly heavy? Extremely costly? Will they cut it to size for you at the store - I've seen that giant machine, but never bought wood and asked to have any cut before. Help please - new to wood work of any kind here. :)

  8. Sorry, I'm mostly useless here... I pulled mine out of our scrap wood pile from some work we had done on our home at the time. You should ask some neighbors first. Or put an ISO on facebook and ask if anyone has some scrap wood they're willing to let you rummage through. Most people are more than happy to get rid of extra wood ( I know I am:) ) Good look!
