Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Girl's Modesty Shorts (Biker Shorts) Tutorial

Well, the sun is getting warmer and the tights are coming off. But those pesky little panties keep showing as Goose continues to climb trees, garden, ride her bike and jump on the trampoline. Some little biker shorts, or modesty shorts, are just the solution, and crazy easy to make! I made all three pairs from old tee-shirts and spiced them up with scraps from other tee-shirt projects. Here's what I used and how I did it:

Old, adult sized tees
Coordinating thread
1" elastic
Pair of leggings that fit your daughter
Large piece of paper to trace a pattern
Disappearing pen

First thing you need to do is make a pattern. Take your leggings, fold them in half and line up the straight edge of the leg with the edge of your paper. Then trace around them leaving about 1.5 inches on the top and 1/2 inch around the back and then the bottom of the pattern needs to stop about 2.5-3 inches from the crotch(...really?? is there no better word??) depending on how long your want the shorts.

Cut out your pattern and mark the straight edge 'Cut on Fold'
 (I also drew a dotted line along the bottom for the bottom of the tee shirt that I am making the shorts from, but I made the length of the pattern as if I were going to hem the shorts myself...make sense??)

Now it's time to use the pattern. Lay your tee shirt down as flat as possible. Place the straight edge of your pattern along the side seam of the tee shirt, aligning the bottom of the pattern with the bottom of the tee. The tee-shirt hem will be the hem of your shorts. Trace around your pattern with the disappearing pen. Then flip your pattern upside down and do the same on the other side seam of the shirt.
 (See that big ol' yellow stain right in the middle of the shirt?? I love how these shorts will miss that ugliness altogether.)

Cut out your pieces, open them up and lie them down right sides together. Pin and sew from the top to the tip of the crotch on each side.

Then, refold your shorts so that the two seams your just sewed are now down the center. Pin and sew the crotch closed, from one leg to the other. Almost done!!

Now you just need to make the waistline. Easy peasy. Just fold the top down a 1/2" then 1" (approx.), and sew it down leaving a 1" hole for inserting the elastic. I also often sew around the top of my elastic casing and find that it prevents the elastic from turning and twisting. I used 18" of elastic for my nearly 4-year-old.

Once you've inserted your elastic, overlap the ends and sew them together. Then sew your hole shut. Flip those babies right side out, maybe embellish them a bit and you're done!
linked to


  1. CUTE!!!! I am so making these for my kids! Thanks for sharing!!!! -Kelsee

  2. CuteKatie!!!! I LOVE the embelishments. I LOVE that you found a way to use those old shirts! You are so talented girl. Seriously. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!!!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, this is a great idea.

  4. Love it! Come link at my party: Thursday's Treasures!!

  5. OMG, i SO SO need these for the this summer and now I have a use for hubbys tshirts that are way too small for him (GRIN!) thanks!

  6. Super, super project! I love how it re-uses the old shirts, and I love how quickly they come together!! I also have a Goose who just turned 3 and she has trouble with dresses, too. :>) I linked to this on my weekly roundup last week and am just now (yikes!) getting around to comment. Thanks so much for sharing! (PS - thanks so much for the tip on sewing around the top to keep the elastic from turning! That will come in handy!)

  7. This was super fast to make!!! I don't know why I didn't think of using the T shirts original hem. THank you soooo much!

  8. Wanted to say thanks for this post as it helped me fill in the blanks on how to do this. I am applying this to making swim shorts for my daughter out of lycra stuff. THanks a bunch :)
