Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yummy Felt Cookies

This is such a fun thing for those little cooks in your life. My girl LOVES making cookies, so I thought she would enjoy this. And since we are drawing close to Valentine's Day, I thought I would make them a bit festive as well.

I found the little rolling pin in the dollar section at Joann's and I believe that is also where I found the cookie cutter. And I obviously used the cookie cutter to trace where I would be cutting out the cookies. The icing is not sewn on, that way Goose can decide for herself whether she wants iced cookies or not. But really...who wouldn't ice the cookies, right??

1 comment:

  1. those are darling!! i've been making felt food for my boys here and there! they love to make cookies - these will make a great addition to their food supply!

