Monday, December 21, 2009


We love good find. It seriously puts (or keeps...) me in a good mood (and helps me justify to myself why it is okay to occasionally shop at Gymboree...). So I have become a bit of a thrift store/garage sale/flea market hound. Because that's where I find the good stuff.

Like this

Which started out like this

Goose needed a place to hang up her kitchen essentials. You know. Aprons. Bibs. Shopping bags. Not to mention, she's got recipes and spices to keep track of. So this "used to be" bathroom cabinet is now her perfectly fitting kitchen cabinet.

And those recipes?? Easy peasy. And Goose just loved helping me make them. Her job was to move my hand back and forth so as to make the stitching look like "real" writing. I think she giggled the whole time.

Next on her kitchen list? A new kitchen. Well, not new. But new to us. Her current kitchen is big and bulky and awkward, so I think I will have to make her one. Out of a bookcase or small entertainment center or something. Have you seen this one?? Amazing. I have no intention of making one that big, but I totally dig to fake window landscape. cute.

1 comment:

  1. the shelf is a great find and the recipes are too cute! Keep up the excellent work!
    Happy Holidays!

    PS That's quite a kitchen that you linked!!
