Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Stockings Are Hung

Oh, how I love having a real mantel now. No, I didn't have a fake one before...just a puny one that could hardly claim itself as a mantel.

I found this window at a local flea market called The Decorator's Bazaar. I loveth that place greatly. $8. I loveth that even more. It's all chippy with a nice little latch. And I know I am going to have entirely too much fun decorating it each season.

I made these stockings last year. I'm not crazy about them, but they were uber easy to make it a pinch. You find the free Amy Butler pattern for them here.

In other news, I am finally DONE making all of my Christmas presents...oh wait. No I'm not. I just remembered one more small one. Okay, so I am almost done. Then I can look forward to doing a bunch of shirt refashions to make some play dresses for Goose. She's been on a dress streak lately and her wardrobe simply cannot keep up.

1 comment:

  1. Your mantle makes me want to cozy up with hot coco and watch a fire in the fireplace. Lovely. :-)
