Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another Fabulous Bag

I am having way to much fun designing stuff. Like this bag. Again, it is way far from perfection. But as a bag, I love it. Really.

It's nice and big, with pockets and comfy padded straps. Oh, the temptation to keep it as my own is great (always is...), but alas, it will be in my shop as soon as I move into my house...give me a week:) or....two


  1. LOVE these colors! If I had this bag I would find excuses to make sure everyone saw how happy it made me. What a happy, fun, cheery bag! LOOVVEE!!

  2. Love it! I need a new purse so bad...i just don't have the motivation to actually sew one! You did a good job!

  3. SO cute! I'm not sure I'd be able to let that one go...Just sayin'. :)
