Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This bag is "FLY"!

Sorry...couldn't resist the temptation to be a little ridiculous...

Made this from my hubs old flightsuit. The lining was actually a skirt the I made that absolutely flopped. I was used the Yard Sale skirt pattern from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing (I really love that book...but be sure to check out her pattern errata here before you attempt any of her patterns...). Anyway, I have been wanting to make one of these bags for ages, having seen so many others made from BDU's and such, which the hubs doesn't wear...So here we are. I'm just so glad that I found such a perfect way to rescue the fabric from my failed skirt attempt. And though I was horrendously tempted to keep the bag for myself, you will actually find it in my shop.

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