Wednesday, August 5, 2009


For months this little girl has been asking for a backpack. And for months (after I made her this skirt) she has specified that she wanted it to be an apple backpack. In fact, when I made the GI Jane backpack for her a couple of weeks ago she nearly cried, thinking that I was giving that to her instead of the making her the apple one. So here it is, and let me tell you, it is getting all of the love it deserves.

I consider myself an intermediate sewer. Using piping was new to me, but once I became a little more familiar with my zipper foot I was able to conquer. And the zipper on this bag? The easiest I've ever had to do

I bought the pattern over at Happy Giraffe.
She also has a way cute and creative blog:
FYI she just had a sweet new baby, but she should be up and a few weeks time.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love this!!! Just bought the pattern and was looking through flickr and found yours. Wondering if you could share how you did the front pocket. It's a really great touch :)
